Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Toys

Bugs was given some new toys a couple days before his surgery. I had responded to a give away post regarding a Bob the Builder play set. When I arrived the lady had added a batch of play tools, a play tool bench and some videos & a DVD to the gifts! I was deeply touched and very happy. The movies were all Bob the Builder. I have been looking for a good set of play tools for Bugs since after Christmas with no luck. What a blessing to be given these! And she didn't even know I had been looking for a set. I thanked her over & over again.

His first time playing with his new tool bench & tool set.

Bob the Builder! His new favorite!

See Mommy?

Tool Time!

After all that playing it was time for a Popsicle break. The perfect cure for sore gums!

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