Monday, August 11, 2008

Deals at the Grocery Store

Last week I found some sweet Buy One Get Two Free deals at a local supermarket. I don't shop at this store much b/c the regular prices are some of the highest around but when they have these BOGO sales watch out cause there I am! Lol. They have cut way back on how many items they offer for sale. I'm guessing it's due to all the inflation. I was very happy with the deals I picked up. The best deal I found was on eggs. Wanna see?

The eggs were Buy 1 Dozen Get 2 Dozen Free at a price of $2.59. That came out to .86 cents a dozen! Wow-zah! I haven't seen eggs that low since I don't know when! I snatched up the maximum allowed. I got some strange looks as I pushed my cart around the store. Lol! I didn't care b/c I was day dreaming of all the inexpensive breakfasts and treats. The other deals I picked up were:

Buy 1 Get 2
* Lite English Muffins = $1.99 for 3 or .66 cents each
* 6-pk of Coke,etc. = $3.89 for 3 6-pks or $1.30 per 6-pk or .22 cents per Coke
* Adirondack Spring Water bottles = $3.16 for 3 packs or $1.05 per pack
* Plumrose Ham Steaks = $5.99 for 3 or $1.99 per pack (Not too great but a treat for us.)
* 24oz. of SB Fresh Ground Turkey 93% = $1.66 per package! And that is not just a pound of ground turkey it's a pound and a half in each package. Yay!

Another good deal:
VO5 Shampoo and/or Conditioner = .68 cents each

I even earned 2 silver store coins. These can give you a discount on selected weekly specials.

Dave's Reaction Lol!

My Total ~ Gotta love those numbers!

1 comment:

Mama Teaching 3 said...

I love a good deal. :)