It's that time of year again........time to head back to school. But first I still need to finish the portfolios & school planning. I have a general idea of what the kids will be studying. That is a relief. Sweet Pea is going to be doing two of her main subjects on the computer which will help both she & I. when I told her this she was very excited. She loves being on the computer and doing her schoolwork a little different than sitting down with pencil & paper. I think I have Boo's curriculum selected but am still figuring out all of Elvis'.
Dave is home this weekend and yesterday he and the kids went down to the storage unit to organize it. I think they found all of Sweet Pea's schoolwork from last year. What a relief! Now I can finally put it all together & get that portfolio off my back. I did call the Deputy Super's office last week and explained things. They were understanding and I was relieved. I think they have bigger things on their plate with public school starting next week anyway. =)
I'm kind of at a loss of how to plan our schedule this year. I am still believing God will move us soon. Because of this I haven't signed the kids up for soccer or anything else. I feel badly about this b/c they missed it in the spring as well. But frankly I don't know how I'd do it all myself - all the practices, the games, the errands, the cleanings & then school too. Plus I'd hate for them to be signed up & then have to quit right after they started as the season starts later in Sept. & goes through Oct. But I still feel badly they are missing out for 2 seasons in a row. I had so hoped we would be settled in TN by now. BUT again I am hanging onto HOPE. The fact that we will move soon, (keep believing!), also makes me wonder how to plan our daily schedule. How do I balance it all? Plus on top of everything else I have not been feeling well. The thought of a full day of school all week long simply exhausts me. Ack!
Speaking of all of this makes me anxious to begin. I had better get busy on sorting Sweet Pea's work from last year. Boy will I be relieved when I can turn those portfolios in and check them off of my long list!
Thanks for listening! It's nice to have a place to go and write freely. =)
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