Friday, February 8, 2008


This morning E-boy, Boo & I tackled the huge chore of cleaning & re-organizing the boys' room. I took all their clothes out of their cubbies & drawers, put them back neatly & in the correct drawers, and also hung up the ones that belonged in the closet. Later I labled them to help in the future. Boo & E-boy worked on cleaning up toys & books. Later Sweet Pea came in and worked on their closet. We didn't get it all done b/c we had to break for lunch & swimming lessons but we made a good sized dent in it. I call it great progress when you can actually see the floor and the top of Bugs' dresser! *big grin*

Look They Can Actually Close All the Way!
Bugs' newly organized & labeled drawers. Someone later added happy faces.

E-boy's Cubbies
Organized, Labeled and Lookin Good!

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