Thursday, July 16, 2009

AWANA Award Night

At the end of May our church's AWANA program wrapped up the year with an Awards Night. The kids had been eagerly anticipating this as they would earn more patches & ribbons. Sweet Pea had a End of the School Year Bash to attend for the middle school & high schoolers. The girls were all asked to bring a treat & the boys a drink. She made a spice cake from scratch.

All ready for a big night.

Bugs marching into the sanctuary with his Cubbies group.

Getting ready to sing their song.

Singing their Cubbies Song. Adorable song!

Receiving his award & certificate.

Boo's turn.

Posing with her ribbon.

So grown up!

It's now time for Elvis' group.

Proudly showing his ribbon.

As we were leaving Princess made this funny face
The kids thought she was very funny.

It was a fun night & Dave and I were very proud of our youngsters.
They can hardly wait for AWANA to start up again!