Monday, November 26, 2007


We had a great Thanksgiving. We hosted it at our home & I loved that. Thursday my parents came over for Thanksgiving. Tim was in Florida. Dave & I decided to have our meal at dinner time instead of lunch time. Neither of us wanted to get up at 4a.m. to start cooking. Plus we like having a slow morning. We watched the parade & looked through the pile of sale fliers. Then the kids were bouncing off the wall so Dave took them outside for awhile. What a relief! It was a blessing too b/c the forecast had been for rain all day but it was sunny almost all day. The kids enjoyed the fresh air & exercise as they rode their scooters up and down the sidewalk. After grabbing a quick shower I tried to concentrate on making my Christmas shopping list for Black Friday. I kept getting interrupted though & didn't get much done. Before I knew it, it was time to start cooking. Dave & I worked together which made it easier and more fun. My parents arrived while we were still cooking. This year I added 2 new items to our menu - Cherry Crisp & Annie's Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins. We didn't have any pumpkin pie and we forgot to buy the cake mix needed for the making of Tami's Pumpkin Crisp so I made the muffins instead. After all how can it be Thanksgiving without anything made with pumpkin? Lol.

The kids had a blast and E-boy prayed this adorable prayer at dinner thanking God for pretty much everything. He was especially excited about the food. Lol!

My Mom brought a simple craft over and after dinner she got the kids to work. Sweet Pea, Boo & E-boy all LOVED it. They like anything creative & this was a hit. It was also nice for them to have a planned activity and not running wild around the house. A way to channel their excitement and energy. I also like that it was my Mom teaching them. They love that Grannie-time.

The funniest part of the visit was when my parents left. Dave had dressed Bugs in his p.j.'s but clearly Bugs did not want to keep them on. Lol. He isn't a big fan of clothes, socks or shoes. He loves to either run around nude or in his diaper. Lol! He kept trying to strip and we kept re-dressing him. He was in the living room when my parents walked out the door but I didn't realize it. See Dave was standing at the door yelling, "Bugs! Bugs!" (well he was yelling his real name) and I thought he was on the front steps or something. Turns out Dave was calling the wrong name. Lol! He was calling E-boy but mistakenly said Bugs. You know how that goes, don't you? Lol! I started for the front door and out of the corner of my eye saw someone walk past. I wondered who it could be since I thought everyone was either outside or on the front porch. Well, it was Bugs! And he was stark naked! LOL! He just stood in the doorway naked as the day he was born. I told Dave to call my Mom to see and he did. She burst out laughing! He looked so innocent and terribly funny!

It was a good day & one that we will remember always. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you E-boy must have enjoyed it because he wanted to do the entire thing over again the next day. Lol!

The kids browse the fliers with Daddy.

Bugs peruses them on his own.

We LOVE a parade!

The Turkey Express
I got a big kick out of this float. That looks like such fun!

Jumping on Daddy

The children make their Christmas 'Wish Lists'

Time for Thanksgiving Dinner!

Turkey Time for Tucker & Tinkerbelle
The kittens had their annual turkey dinner too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a nice day!! I just love holidays that are full of family and fun.

How long were those Wish Lists??? My kids made theirs the other night and a few got so long! LOL