Saturday, November 24, 2007

Count Your Blessings

Count your blessings, name them one by one,

Count your blessings, see what God hath done

Count your blessings, name them one by one,

And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.


I have always loved that hymn, 'Count Your Blessings'. It is a catchy little tune & a reminder to me to daily count my blessings. I would like to take a moment & list some of the things I am thankful for.

1. I am thankful for God, my loving Father.

2. For my children & husband. My husband tells me daily that he loves me. How special that makes me feel! My children give me hugs & kisses every day. I am blessed to have these wonderful, special people in my life.

3. My Family = Parents, brothers, Nana, cousins, aunts & uncles, nieces, nephews, in-laws, etc. ~ God has given us a special, loving, family.

4. My Friends ~ We are uniquely blessed to have such wonderful, loving friends. I truly do not know what we would do without them.

5. Our Home~ God has answered my prayers. I love our home - the room, the decor, the coziness, the way it "fits".

6. Our Church Family ~ What an amazing blessing they have been!

7. Our Van & Car ~ Our van is the one we have wanted for years. Thanks to some help we are able to drive in safety & comfort. Our car was a gift. I still am in awe when I see it in our driveway. It is an older car but a perfect fit for our needs.

8. Our Country ~ I think every day of how privileged we are to live in this great nation. I remind myself never to take for granted our freedoms.

9. Our Military ~ Growing up as a Navy kid I have been taught to have a deep respect for our soldiers. That respect has grown over the years & now it is an ingrained part of me. Especially now we need to be thankful to our soldiers and their dear families.

10. God's Provision ~ It always amazes me how God provides. He truly has a wonderful way with timing. I am very thankful to Him for all He has given us and he many ways & special people He has used to do so. I can honestly say that He has never failed us! God is good!

11. For the Freedom to Homeschool ~ How thankful I am that I can have my dear children at home. Though it is not the easy road to take I know without a doubt it is the best one for our family. I am thankful that we have this choice.

12. Dave's Job ~ I am thankful that Dave's job has been saved! He was told last week that he will NOT be laid off but will continue on into next year & beyond. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!

13. Health ~ Though we have little issues we are very blessed to have overall good health in our family. I am reminded of this often & thank God for this gift every time.

14. Salvation ~ I am dearly thankful to our Lord for dying on the cross for us. Hallelujah, He is risen! Thank you for the gift of salvation. What a comfort it is to know we will be with Jesus in Heaven someday.

15. For Everyday Blessings & Joys ~ I thank Him for these. Sometimes they are the one thing that turn a bad day completely around. A hug from my little ones; the thrill of seeing a beautiful sunset; my silly smile when I see the garbage men have once again taken away all our garbage; the warmth of my nice, winter coat; a yummy, filling dinner; a sweet card from our adorable nieces; my cozy bed; snuggling with Tinkerbelle & Tucker; watching & laughing at a movie with my kids & hubby............the list goes on & on. Thank you, Lord.

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