Unfortunately we have been under the attack of fleas. I don't know where they came from but all of the sudden they are here. They love the cats and are munching on us now as well. I caught one and immediately put it in rubbing alcohol. We turned it into a mini science lesson observing it through a magnifying glass & discussing it.
Boo takes a turn.
Bugs cuddling Romeo. Romeo is such a big baby. Lol.
Bugs cuddling Romeo. Romeo is such a big baby. Lol.
Boo & Elvis attended VBS at our church last week. Bugs didn't make the age cut so Sweet Pea took me up on my suggestion and made a VBS at home for Bugs. She called it "Bible Beach" and created the activities, snacks, etc. with a beach theme. Bugs loved it! Here he is in his crown they made during craft time.
He loved the kool-aid pops with fruit that Sweet Pea made.
Hanging out with Princess.
Laughing with big sister.
Pretty in pink
Excited little girl!
Can you guess what the Bible story was this day?
If you guessed Daniel & the Lions Den you are correct! Hear this lion roar!
This was his favorite snack of the week. They frosted & decorated cupcakes. Yummy!
The best part is eating!
This was too funny to pass up. A goatee & moustache!
Every day had a theme at our church's VBS. One day was orange shirt day, another bandanna day & khaki day. The last day they had the choice of wearing a hat or having "crazy hair". Boo chose the hair & Elvis a hat.
I came up with the idea for Boo's hair & Dave helped her make it. Elvis came up with most of the idea for his hat with a little help from mommy for the finishing touch. Below are the results.
I came up with the idea for Boo's hair & Dave helped her make it. Elvis came up with most of the idea for his hat with a little help from mommy for the finishing touch. Below are the results.
She received TONS of compliments! Her music teacher went bonkers over her hair calling it to the attention of the entire class. She even said she wanted her hair like Boo's. LOL! I think if there had been a contest Boo would have won. She was that popular.
Bugs wanted me to take pics of some of his prizes he received from his VBS. Not pictured are the candy, puzzle & book he won.
Our church's VBS had 900 to over 1000 kids in attendance every day. I have never in my life seen such a HUGE VBS program! They even had the sheriff there to direct traffic in and out of the parking lot & a couple of police officers patrolling to make sure everyone stayed safe. It was amazing! The kids raised over $2,700 for building a preschool in Mexico (the goal was $2,000 so they exceeded their goal) & 274 kids expressed an interest in either salvation or baptism. PTL!
Everyone had a fabulous time & can hardly wait for next year!
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