At the end of October Dave & I had the thrill of attending a NFL Titans game! I won tickets back in August & gave them to Dave as an anniversary present. He chose me to go with him. It was an experience of a lifetime!
We drove into Nashville & parked off of Broadway. Then we had to walk to the bridge & cross it to the stadium. It's the only way over there for spectators. We met some nice fans who showed us the way over.
We finally made it to the LP Field. W-O-W!
Our seats were AMAZING! We were the 3rd row back & could see everything perfectly. I only brought my point & shoot camera and was soon wishing I had brought my Nikon.
Getting ready to start!
The mascot kept me laughing. He did a fantastic job & was hilarious!
The game was okay the first 3 quarters. But then the 4th came & it was very exciting! We were yelling & cheering like crazy.
Titans score!
And yes! Again!
They completely turned the game around!
One last shot from the top before going home.
While waiting in line to climb the stairs to the bridge I had to take a shot of the bridge. It reminded me of when the electricity went out in New York and all those people walked home. What a crowd! Everyone was in a celebration mood! Well, except for the Eagles fans. Lol.
A shot of the Batman Building as we crossed back over the bridge.
Cheekwood extended the Chihuly exhibit. Fortunately for us they included it in their "Community Free Day". How exciting! I was dragging but didn't want to miss this opportunity of a lifetime. Sweet Pea had been asking to go & when I saw the free day posted we HAD to go. It was cloudy with the threat of rain but God held the rain off. Thank you, Father!
For those of you who aren't familiar with this exhibit & artist click here & here. It's all blown glass & simply amazing.
Saffron Tower
Silvered Purple Herons
"Chihuly first filled boats with glass in Nuutajarvi, Finland, during the 1995 Chihuly Over Venice project. He often tossed glass into the river, letting it float downstream. Local teenagers in small wooden rowboats gathered them and it was probably then that he conceived the idea for a new type of installation."
I wish I could have taken a picture with no people around but that was kind of impossible. Lol!
We thought this rock looked really cool. What do you see?
Niijima Floats
The Sun
Yellow Herons
Part of "MilleFiori"
All of "MilleFiori"
The view while walking down from the Museum of Art.
Follow the footprints
Blue Polyvitro Crystals
My photos don't quite do these amazing works of art justice but I hope they gave you some idea of what they are like in person. They looked like jewels & were breathtaking.
I love these moments we have as homeschoolers to pack up at a moments notice & see things like great works of art. If we had been locked into a schedule we would have completely missed this opportunity.