Monday, November 9, 2009


Last night our cat, Romeo caught a little robin. The kids quickly went into 9-1-1 mode and rescued the little guy. Romeo wasn't happy but the bird sure was. They quickly put the rescued bird into Bella's old cage. Thankfully Sweet Pea had already cleaned it out. We kept the bird overnight and all day today. We were going to wait until Daddy came home to release Lucky but since he is going to be late it will be too dark. We gathered all the cats inside and set Lucky free. I pray he makes it!

Lucky in his cage.

Hi, Lucky!

Hopping Away

Up Close

He kept hopping until he got to the fence & there he sat. I pray he flies soon. If not I'm afraid our cats will get him again. =(
Go Lucky! Go!


Rhonda said...

Praying that the little fella makes out ok. WTG on the rescue!

Julia said...

Aw, how cute! I hope he makes it!!