I am bursting with pride! Boo Bear competed in the AWANA Quiz Team Competition for the very first time. She was extremely nervous though she had studied for weeks. She was paired up with her friend that challenges her the most at AWANA. They were an amazing team! They only missed one question in the first round. In the 2nd round they "challenged out" which means not only did they answer the top amount of questions but gained bonus points for doing so. Her teacher told me this is the first time their group has ever done this! WOW! They ended up winning FIRST PLACE in their division! Go, Boo Bear! I thought she would do well but she exceeded my expectations! She was beaming & if it wasn't for the "golf game" cheering environment I would have been doing cartwheels & whooping as I twirled! LOL!
I forgot my camera but made sure to take pics when we came home.
So happy!
Her medal
Yay, Boo Bear!
Another division in her group won 1st place as well. They earned their medals plus a plaque for the church to display. The other divisions all placed too. It was a great day!
I was so impressed at this competition. These boys & girls really had to work hard in order to compete. They had to remember specific details from Bible verses, details about people in the Bible & lessons from their AWANA books. They also had to quote Scripture word for word often matching reference to the verses. It was very impressive & also inspiring. I don't know many adults, myself included, who could have stood ground in this competition. How wonderful to see our children learning about God & hiding His Word in their hearts.
I'm extremely proud of you Boo Bear! I love you!
WTG Boo Bear!
YAY!! Wtg, Boo :)
Congratulations to the kiddos for doing so well! I found your blog through your mthea post. I have enjoyed reading it. Here is the link to my blog: http://homesteadblogger.com/bessedx4/
They changed the format and I intend on moving it, hopefully during spring break. Hope you will visit it sometime.
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