Thursday, November 29, 2012


Today we did a little Astronomy. After we finished our reading & written work it was time for some hands-on learning.  Somehow that flowed into a Christmas craft. The kids were very happy with both. =) 

Enjoying some hands-on fun.

Making craters to simulate how they are made on Mercury's surface.


Next I made some salt dough & the boys made their own models of Mercury.

Here he is making the craters on the surface.  After they were finished we put them aside to dry.

Since we had already made a mess making the dough for the models I thought it would be a good time to make our salt dough ornaments.  I found our recipe and got to work.

They made a snowman together.

Getting down to work on their ornaments.

After he made his cut-out ornaments he started making a snowman for his shelf.

My big girl does it all by herself.

Ready for the oven!

We filled up 2 cookie sheets.

All finished!

Now they are baking in the oven.  We'll paint them either tomorrow or maybe Saturday.  

Monday, November 19, 2012

Our Blessing Tree 2012

I absolutely love family traditions. To me they represent all the good things about being a family. Today was our day to make our annual Blessing Tree. This is one of my favorites. First because we get to list our blessings and focus on them no matter what trouble is going on around us. The second is because of the memories we are making. After Thanksgiving has passed & we take down our tree I like to keep our hand print leaves. It is sweet to take them out in years to come and see how little hands listed big blessings. Do you have a special Thanksgiving tradition? 

 She was THRILLED to use her pink scissors.

She helped Boo trace her hand.

Elvis in deep concentration.

My hands!

She was very pleased with her hand print.  She kept fitting her hand to it and studying it.

Putting up the trunk & branches of our tree.  More to come!

Our Blessing Tree 2012


Monday, November 12, 2012


We've had a lot going on these past couple of months.  As a result our schedule has gone out the window.  It was time to reclaim it and today was the day.  After breakfast, chores & getting ready for the day this is our morning.
Sweet Pea did Craft Time with Princess & Bugsy.

Hand print turkeys by Princess & Sweet Pea

Bugsy shows off his hand print turkeys.

Elvis read our science lesson aloud today.

Bugs demonstrates Mercury & the Sun.

A little experiment.

The color turned to blue.
We finished up our science by reading one of The Magic Schoolbus books & writing in our journals.

Next it was time for cursive writing for Elvis (his first day) & Beyond the Code for Bugs.

Princess & Boo Bear time.  They chose to read books together.

The older girls worked on their studies at the table downstairs and in the family room upstairs.  We took a break for lunch & some playtime.  Now they are back to the books.  Bugs is doing math with Sweet Pea, Elvis is studying Latin & Boo is deep into history.  Princess and I have the toughest assignments.  To watch a little Diego & take a little snooze.  =)   Happy Monday, everyone!