Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Graduation to First Grade Math!

As you may remember Bugsy turned 5 at the end of September. I started him in kindergarten realizing he is young but knowing he is ready. He proved that today! He finished his kindergarten math books of addition & subtraction & graduated to Singapore Mathematics 1st grade today!

He was eager to start!

Thinking Hard
This cracked me up. He turned to me as he tried to solve the problem in his head thinking hard and saying, "Hmmm, is it 5?" He was correct!

Finding 2 pairs of numbers that add up to 8.

He loves doing math & catches on quickly. He completed over 20 pages this morning! Way to go, Bugsy!


Rhonda said...

WTG Little Man! He is moving up there!

Claire said...

He is too cute! I'm glad to hear he is enjoying his lessons.