Friday, October 30, 2009

Sweet Faces

These are 2 of the 3 kittens we have to give away. I would love to keep them but we simply do not have anymore room. We kept the last batch because we did not know anyone to give them to & didn't have the heart to take them to the shelter. I'm praying we can find loving homes for these sweeties.

Very cuddly

Meowing for Mommy

I love the spot on her wee nose.

How can you say no to that face?


Hanging out one afternoon........

As you can see she really loved the camera. Hee, hee.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Boo was excited about her birthday. She counted down to the minute she was born. She also had an eye on the packages her grandparents had sent. We always have our big gift time when Daddy is home. But I couldn't see the harm in allowing her to unwrap the gifts from her grandparents. She was very happy about this decision!

From Grandma & Grandpa M.

A special pen
Boo was thrilled b/c it is just like Sweet Pea's only silver.

A very pretty bracelet.
Mommy is thrilled b/c the rope is thick & hopefully "Boo proof". Lol!

We teased her about this.

This new doll was inside.

Elvis had fun with the bag the doll was wrapped in.

Got him! =0)
She also received money from each set of grandparents.
Very blessed indeed!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Boo Bear's Birthday

Not only did we have Bugsy's birthday to celebrate but 3 days later it was Boo Bear's turn to celebrate! Even after 4 years I'm still not used to having their birthdays so close together. Lol. I did do better this year though. We celebrated at home with her favorite dinner, presents, cake & a movie (one of her presents). Instead of taking her out for an activity like a movie or day out we gave her an extra present of signing her up to play basketball this winter. She was given some money from Nana & Grannie to help pay for it and we paid for the rest. That was what she wanted and we are happy she wants to try a new sport.

Happy Birthday, Boo Bear!

Her special dinner complete with Mountain Dew.

Posing with the Chinese food. This was a huge treat! We've been looking for a great place since we left MA. This was the first time the kids have had Chinese in over a year!


Elvis bought her this cute poodle with his own money.

Bugs & Princess bought her these books.
Bugs used his own money too.

I found this at Target in their clearance awhile ago.
She LOVES Camp Rock!

Princess watches the fun.

Think she may be happy about this present?
It's a Camp Rock pillow case.

The Hannah Montana movie CD.

And of course a basketball so she can practice!


She was super surprised as she hadn't even asked for this.
The Hannah Montana movie!
(We all watched it that night. Cute movie!)

Posing with her gifts.

Again with the other side of her pillow case showing.
Sweet Pea bought her sister a Hello Kitty & a packet of sewing needles.

Her Hannah Montana cake from Dairy Queen.
Dave & I were very pleased with the decorating job she did.

I think she got her wish! Lol!

This was on the cake.
I loved that on both Bugsy's cake & Boo's cake she put something they could use or play with later. I like to do that too when I decorate a cake.

We found these cute plates & napkins at the party store.

Boo said she had a great birthday and I am so glad.
My wish & goal is to make every birthday make them feel special & loved.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Soccer has been so much fun. Though it can be crazy at times with 3 practices & 3 games a week we are loving it.

Princess watches her older siblings play.

He scored a goal!

We were so proud of him! He got a free kick & made the shot. Go Elvis!

Bugs has a terrific coach.

They're off on the run!


I didn't get any pics of Boo this time because her game was at the field in the next town over.

Monday, October 26, 2009

More Birthday

Bugs loved his presents from Grandpa & Grandma M. too!

A big boy football & an airplane!
Dave was just as excited over the football as Bugsy! Lol!
The bubble wrap was a big hit too! Pop! Pop! Pop!