Thursday, September 26, 2013


Today I set up a little treasure hunt for Princess.  She is in preschool and learning her letters and numbers among other things. I thought it would be fun.  And so did she.  =)
 The boys helped me get the Aa's ready.  Yes, they are very silly.

 All ready to start the search!

 Here's one on the stairs!

 She's starting to get quite the collection.

 Every time she found one she had to say it's name & it's sound.

 They were upstairs too!

 In the boy's room........

 .........and on the toy shelves.

 She found all 23 cards!  And most of all she had a great time.  Yay!

 Next it was time for a worksheet to reinforce our learning.

 She got to use her new dot markers for the first time. 
 She said the letter and it's name as she worked.


 Another fun worksheet.  She traced the A's and then cut out pictures that started with the letter A.

 All done!

And then it was time for Play-doh with her big sister. 

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