Tuesday, July 31, 2012


 Boo Bear's Roses
Our oldest girls were a part of a Princess Purity Ceremony on Saturday night.  For those of you who may not be familiar with this type of ceremony allow me to explain.  It is a time where families bless their daughters with a purity ring or necklace.  This is because the daughter has made the personal decision to remain pure until marriage.  It is a precious time shared by the parents and their daughter.  Our ceremony was the culmination of our Princess Club which had been meeting for several months.  

Sweet Pea's Roses
Boo Bear's roses
Beautiful roses for our beautiful girls.  

We presented these to Sweet Pea during the ceremony.

We presented these to Boo Bear at the ceremony.

Boo Bear's purity ring.  She chose this herself.

Sweet Pea's ring.  She chose this herself.

The refreshment table.  Pretty & delicious!
The gift table. 

The girls enjoying their refreshments.

Dave & Princess.

Good friends

Two pretty girls

Two very happy friends.
Princess was thrilled with her balloon from Ms. Karen & her rose from her sister, Boo.

We went out to celebrate afterward.  It was a very special treat as we hardly ever eat out.

My handsome 10 year old.

Daddy & Princess

My Boo Bear
I love this photo.

Ice cold lemonade <3
Enjoying some time in the rocking chairs.


It was a beautiful, precious evening that we will always remember.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


After a relaxing morning of the boys & Daddy fishing and the girls and I relaxing at home we decided to visit a local Thrift Store. I hadn't been in awhile and have been needing some new tops. As we approached the door I happily read a sign posted that said, "Everything in the store 50% off". Score! I called Dave & soon he and the boys joined us. We shopped for over 2 hours! Here are a few, and I mean only a few, of our bargains.
 I was really excited to find this gem!  It retails for $19.00-$25.00  I got it for 73 cents!  This is the same publisher and series Sweet Pea used for writing last year.  She did very well with it and enjoyed it a lot.

What a great game!  I remember playing this at my Nana's house.  38 cents!
This was an excellent score!  3 pairs of Wrangler jeans & an Arizona polo for Elvis.
Cost in the store?  Over $50.00  What did I pay?  A little over $7.00!  Now that's a steal!!!!!

A sweet dress for Princess.

2 like new Gymboree tops for Princess  (Total cost $2)

This top is super sweet.
2 tank tops for next summer

Anyone who really knows me knows I ADORE these cups!  They are from hospitals and hold cold beverages wonderfully.  I still have 2 from when Sweet Pea was born & another from when Princess was born.  This is the 3rd one I've found at either a yard sale or thrift store.  Yay!

I found this set of books.  Total for all 4 = 92 cents

This is only a smidge of the bargains we found today.  Dave came home with a bunch of shirts for church & work.  Sweet Pea found a lot of clothes for her wardrobe and Boo Bear did too.  I even found several tops and a couple of comfy t-shirts.  Bugsy & Elvis have several new sharp looking shirts for church.  Elvis even has a Hawaiian shirt - his favorite!  Of course Princess has lots of new clothes.  Most are for next summer which makes me very happy.  I filled up 3 bags of books and scored a new juice pitcher too.  Oh, and the kids bought Beanie Babies for 15 cents each and Princess has a "new" Barbie.  A day full of blessings & bargains!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


It must be said. Our family loves books. Fiction, non-fiction, classics, history, science, mystery, thrillers, biographies,just to name a few. The library has always been one of our favorite destinations. 

Elvis devouring a science book after a trip to the library.

And no, he wasn't made to read.  
He simply loves soaking in information.
Princess has started to enjoy looking at books on her own this year.

Elvis filled up his reading list for the library prize in only 2 days.
Already looking for another book to read.

More science!

Sweet Pea takes a trip to Ancient Greece.

Bugsy was really into this book.  He kept stopping & sharing what he was reading about.  Love that enthusiasm!

All snuggled up and ready for a good book.

Boo couldn't put her book down!

Nice & cozy.

Daddy & Princess

Writing another book on his library book club list.

Yep, she is in another world.

Caps for sale!

Even Josie & Sky(walker) were enjoying the books.  Lol.

I can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon than all cozy with your family & a stack of good books.