Boo Bear's Roses
Our oldest girls were a part of a Princess Purity Ceremony on Saturday night. For those of you who may not be familiar with this type of ceremony allow me to explain. It is a time where families bless their daughters with a purity ring or necklace. This is because the daughter has made the personal decision to remain pure until marriage. It is a precious time shared by the parents and their daughter. Our ceremony was the culmination of our Princess Club which had been meeting for several months.
Sweet Pea's Roses |
Boo Bear's roses
Beautiful roses for our beautiful girls. |
We presented these to Sweet Pea during the ceremony.
We presented these to Boo Bear at the ceremony.
Boo Bear's purity ring. She chose this herself.
Sweet Pea's ring. She chose this herself.
The refreshment table. Pretty & delicious! |
The gift table.
The girls enjoying their refreshments. |
Dave & Princess.
Good friends |
Two pretty girls |
Two very happy friends. |
Princess was thrilled with her balloon from Ms. Karen & her rose from her sister, Boo.
We went out to celebrate afterward. It was a very special treat as we hardly ever eat out.
Sisters |
My handsome 10 year old.
Daddy & Princess |
Sweetness |
My Boo Bear |
I love this photo.
Ice cold lemonade <3 |
Enjoying some time in the rocking chairs.
It was a beautiful, precious evening that we will always remember.