Monday, May 9, 2016


Awhile back I saw some photos of a fairy garden in a craft advertisement.  The more I thought about it the more I thought it would be fun to create one with my Princess.  We both decided we wanted our own mix of items to put in it and not to follow anyone's plan but our own.  I'm a big fan of creativity.  Today was the day.  

When we first started planning we were going to use a small container.  Then today while we were outside doing yard work I remembered Princess's old turtle sandbox.  It hadn't been used in quite some time and I love re-purposing items.  Turtle seemed like the perfect fit for a Fairy Garden or Imagination Garden.   Whimsical and big enough for many items.  

                  We started with some violets we picked up on clearance at Walmart.

                                                                  Princess added a geranium in her favorite color.
    Then we spent about 20 minutes setting it up exactly to her liking.

She has a pond with ducks, farm animals, sea shells, flowers, seeds planted, princesses & more.
 She had so much fun she made a little one that she can play with anytime she wants.

                       This picture is darling.
 The finished Fairy Garden.     
I have to admit I want one of my own now.  =) 

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