Thursday, February 26, 2015


We have now begun our second book in our Prairie Primer studies, Little House on the Prairie.  We are already enjoying it so much.  Last week we made covered wagons.  This week we learned about Native American hand talking (sign language), pictographs and several other ways the Native Americans communicated with their own tribes and other tribes.  We learned about gophers and prairie hens and other animals on the prairie.  We made masks and played games.  Every week Bugs asks if it is Prairie Primer Co-op week.  This is such a fun unit study made even better by awesome friends.

 Hard at work creating their own pictographs.

 Love the tongue.  =)

 Learning about birds of the prairie, gophers and prairie dogs.

 This photo makes me smile seeing how engaged all the kids are in learning.

 Prairie Chicken.

 A new game.  Wack-A-Gopher.  

 They thought this game was hilarious.  I have to admit I am a big fan too.  

He is loving this unit study.

Gathered around the computer learning Native American Hand Talking.

Deep concentration.

 We were getting into it!  Rain!

 After we were finished suddenly an impromptu marshmallow war broke out.  LOL!