Monday, June 28, 2010

Night School

We wanted to study Astronomy with the kids but couldn't see how we'd fit into our schedule this fall. Dave agreed to teach them in the evenings over the summer. The plan is to fit as much in before school starts back up and then continue on into the fall. This way we can have a leisurely pace if needed. I don't know about you but our fall is always jam packed.

Dave started the first lesson with the kids tonight. They loved it! Boo & Elvis each have a notebook that goes along with the book. They are using Apologia. Boo studied space before when we were doing KONOS but it was years ago and she was quite little. I don't think she remembers much of it. Bugs sits and listens in and I know he picks up facts here and there. He's only 4 so I'm not worried about him. We'll do the official course with him when he is older. Maybe Princess will join him! =0)

Listening to Daddy read aloud.

They could hardly wait to work on the first lesson in their new workbooks!

We love Apologia!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Sorry to have been absent for so long. First we had our trip and we were gone for 18 days. Whew! I have tons of pics to post for y'all. Brace yourselves! Lol! The week after we returned I had zero energy. I was surprised but I guess I was more worn out than I realized. This past week we have been at VBS. This year since Princess was older I helped out. What a week! It was both amazing & exhausting. But oh so rewarding. I have pics to post on this as well.

I hope to get back to a more normal schedule which means regular posting. It's been a wild & wooly summer so far! I can't wait to see what the rest of the summer holds for us. Hope you are having fun too.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Growing By Leaps & Bounds!

I knew our garden would grow while we were gone. But.....WOW! I didn't expect this! I guess I didn't realize how long we would be gone in terms of the growing season.
Our wonderful neighbors kept our gardens watered and I am eternally grateful.

This is what the gardens looked like before we left.

This is what everything looks like now. We were amazed!

My pot full of herbs.

The sunflowers are reaching for the sky.

It's like a jungle!

Beans, squash, cucumbers, radishes, beans, peas, tomatoes, basil......

Bed #2

Loving it and can hardly wait for harvest time!

Friday, June 11, 2010