Monday, December 7, 2015


Since Bugs was @3 years old he and  Elvis have shared a bedroom. We recently decided to switch around bedrooms. Since Sweet Pea is now on her own her room is now empty.  (How did she get so grown up so soon?)  Princess moved in with Boo Bear (their choice) and we moved the office into Princess's old room.  That left a room for Princess to have a playroom and for the boys to have their own rooms.  It's been a busy fall trying to get all this moving completed.  The latest project is getting Bugs' room done.  It needed the works.  The carpet ripped out, new flooring, paint and lots of scrubbing.  Here are some before and after pics.  It's not fully complete but it's getting there a little more every weekend.  

This room has been the office/schoolroom since we moved in 7 years ago.

Now it's slowly being converted into a bedroom for Bugs. 

The carpet was torn out and the walls were scrubbed down.
The mop boards were removed for painting.  

                               The first coat of paint was completed.
                    Bugs carefully chose the color.  Mom approved. =)

                           Dave installed the flooring.  
                 The majority of the flooring was a gift from a sweet friend.  

Bugs got to see his newly painted, newly floored room and was ECSTATIC!

We hope to start moving his furniture down this weekend.  He probably won't be fully moved in until after Christmas because of our schedule.  He is okay with that and excited for all the hard work and progress.

What's that?  You are wanting pics of the "new" office? may have to wait until March.  =P