Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Problems with Blog

I can't get my blog to stop adding so many spaces. Tonight I must have corrected my previous post at least 7 times & it kept messing up anyway! ARGH!!!!!! Then it was giving me different sized fonts when I went to publish. Is anyone else having trouble with their blogs on this server? HELP, please!

New Belts!

All four children tested for their new rank in TKD. They were nervous but excited too. This past Friday they all received their new belts & certificates. What an exciting morning!
Bugsy moved up to yellow belt black stripe.
Shaking hands with the black belts as they congratulate him.

I love that you can see the reflection of Boo's smile in the mirror.

Congratulations, Sweet Pea!

I don't think there was a child in attendence more excited than Elvis!

He is beaming!

Proud boy!

Excited & silly at the same time.

Blue belts! YES!

He has worked very hard for this promotion. Yay, Bugsy!

The sweetest little yellow belt you ever did see. =0)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Creativity & Face Paints

One of Elvis' favorite things is Star Wars. In addition he loves Clone Wars which is the animated version & spin-off of Star Wars. He has been working on his own book of the characters. This week the kids decided they wanted to act out the scenes Elvis had written. Someone came up with the idea to use face paints. Boo won them at AWANA this year for doing well in her memory verses. She generously shared them to enhance the video. It was such fun painting everyone & seeing their reactions!

Sweet Pea painted Bugsy's face.

The base.

The finished & new Bugsy!

Trying to look tough.

The Crew


It's hard to see in this light but even his ears are painted!

Cutie Pie didn't want to be left out so I painted her face too.

Looking cool!

She cracks me up!


Is that ME?!?!?!?

After they were done filming Elvis & Boo Bear had some extra fun with the leftover paint.

He ran all over the house whooping & hollering. Hilarious! Someone painted a giant red arrow on his back too. Lol!

We're definitely going to have to keep face paints on hand in our craft closet. They are such FUN!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Lilies

These are the latest to bloom.

Friday, June 10, 2011

More Savings

I usually don't shop at CVS. I can't keep up with the cycle of savings. But I stopped in for Silly Bands that were on sale, (Shhhh......my boys don't know.), and found the 90% off basket. I picked these sets of flashlights up for 64 cents each.

Each of these packs were 19 cents.

I may have to stop in more often! Lol!