Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gifts for Jesus

Every year on New Year's Eve I talk to the kids about what they want to give to Jesus this year. It's a way of starting the new year fresh but at the same time focusing on Jesus & his birthday. I always enjoy seeing what is on their hearts. This year instead of just talking about their gifts I thought it would be fun to have a physical reminder. The choices were a Christmas tree, a birthday cake (for Jesus) or a manger. Two of the kids voted for the manger barely squeaking it out as the winner. They were all pleased in the end.

Jesus in the manger & His birthday gifts.

Elvis' gift. Love for Jesus & for others.

Sweet Pea's say,
"To: Jesus - I give you my time."
"To: Jesus - I give you all I own."

Bugsy's says: "Happy Cake!" (Totally him! Lol!)
He decided his gift would be kindness.

Boo Bear's says: "I will give a blanket of love."
What will you give Him?

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