Monday, January 21, 2008

A Full Day

It is extremely cold here so we stayed snug indoors. To get some of our energy out we did some exercises in the living room. We did jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, and then free-style dancing. It was a terrific way to get the wiggles out before our study time.


Jumping on one foot

Bugs snuggles with E-boy's Blankie & watches.

Jumping Jacks!

The Bicycle!

Computer time for Bugs - Or as he calls it, "Pooter".

Taking a Break

Dancing Time!

We started our new geography unit study today.

We read Chapters 1-3 of the book & then did 1-4 of Lesson 1.
Tomorrow we will label the maps. We ran out of time today.

Tonight Dave & E-boy had some Daddy-Son time. They worked on this Pro-Builder that E-boy received for Christmas. They had a good time joking around and building together.

Sorting the Pieces

Reading the Directions

Putting the Blocks Together.

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